Enjoy Life! It is better to be happy than wise.
Everyone goes through life. We all face challenges and we all have accomplishments. The most important thing to do in life is to enjoy each and every day. We never know what day will be our last. We never know when we will see our family members for the last time or our best friends. We need to learn to be excited about the future, but not too excited that it becomes a blockade for what is happening in our lives at that very moment. Happiness is a big factor that can dictate our outlook on life. We can live with happiness, hoping for the best and letting life happen; or we can be disappointed with the littlest things that happen in our life making us not enjoy anything. We should take out as much negativity as possible in our life because it only leads to discouragement. When negativity springs into your life, you shouldn’t take it straight to your heart but this is where you should use your wisdom to fight it off with positivity and happiness. Being wise can be a very good characteristic but when you think you’re a know it all, you tend to put yourself above everyone else. When you do that you take away their happiness and keep it all for yourself. When someone is happy they normally allow the people they are with to be happy as well. Happiness is contagious. A smile can say a thousand words that nothing else can. Let the world see your smile as you continue life. It will do you much better than negativity.