Fortune Cookie

It is better to ask questions, then know all the answers.

We ask questions, then to assume we know the answers. We ask questions because we don’t know, or we wonder what the outcome could or will be. You educate yourself when you ask questions because some things you’re taught in school, and at home may not give you enough information to go in life or help you fully succeed. We ask questions to ourselves while making drastic changes with our future, and the people in our lives. Asking questions may be annoying or too much but at the end of the day, who is the one that knows all the different ways to handle certain situations. Never hesitate to ask questions whenever you feel as though you don’t understand. Knowing all the answers does not mean you know it is the correct answer, people feed other people false information everyday. It is up to you on how you take that information into your life. Each question you ask, comes with a answer. You can not let that answer changes your views on things, if it is an answer you do not agree with. Again, personally it is better to ask questions, then to know all the answers.