Fortune Cookie

Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that it is enough

We all get gut feelings, that feeling in the pit of your stomach that tells you something right before a decision, but do all of us listen to these gut feelings.There are those who dismiss a gut feeling and use rational thinking which at times is a good thing to do. Then there are others here are those who would trust their gut and follow it and its feelings wherever they go. Listen to your gut but also to never just listen to it.

It is important to realize that at a certain point in life planning ,and rational thinking will only get you so far: It is important to realize that life is random, many things will be thrown your way ,and sometimes it is best to just make decisions on the fly. Your life cannot be planned so that is when you should use your gut. The purpose of the gut feeling is to so that your gut will make the decisions that you can’t. So listen to it it is part of your body and many a times you will find that your guts decisions turn out very well for you. Your gut probably knows you best after all it is apart of your body.

Then, it is also important to realize that your gut’s opinion is not the only one that counts. Just because you have a gut feeling does not mean it is enough. If you do want to make it far in life you have to plan and think. If we made every decision on a whim then sure, half of them would be good decisions but half of them could be bad. It is important to know that your gut doesn’t always know what is best so remember to get a second opinion on things because those opinions can help you to.

So, it is important to listen to your gut but also to other things besides your gut. It is all about balance listing to one while respecting the other. It is the same as in life, so if you can do that you will go very far indeed.