Snack walk: The Milkshake Factory

Pittsburgh is home to many unique restaurants and snack shops.  The Milkshake Factory is one such place.

The Milkshake Factory sits at 314 Fifth Avenue in downtown Pittsburgh.  There you can get a variety of milkshakes from anything like vanilla to chocolate raspberry truffle.  

However, you aren’t limited to just milkshakes.  The Milkshake Factory offers a variety of delicious treats like chocolate covered strawberries, and a selection of fudge.  

“I would give this place a 10 out of 10 because it’s delicious and allergy friendly,” said Meghan Macioce.

The Milkshake Factory works well with food allergies and can easily accommodate.  

The hours are 11 am to 10 pm Sunday through Thursday and 11 am to 11 pm Friday through Saturday, perfect for an afternoon snack or an evening dessert.

Hanging With The Buccos

PNC Park, home of the Pittsburgh Pirates, has been one of the greatest places in Pittsburgh since 2001. Before PNC Park was Three Rivers Stadium that was opened from 1970 to 2000. If you’re a sports fan, you don’t want to miss a Buccos game. The atmosphere is insane. With hundreds of fans flooding the ballpark each game, you would think someone incredibly famous was at the stadium, but the players are just like you and me. They have worked their butts off ever since they were little and fell in love with the game of baseball. Now being in the major league, they have to work extra hard to maintain not only a position on the team, but a name for themselves. Dan Hart, who works in communications for the Pittsburgh Pirates, took us up to the press box before the game and talked to us about his job. “Once the confetti of the Super Bowl game goes off, I’m on the clock and getting ready to head down to Florida for spring training. It sure is a fun job, but a very, very long year.” It was so interesting to hear about Dan’s traveling stories, how he gets to build a personal relationship with the players, and his daily work in general. “You don’t know who I am, but you know what I do.” Dan laughs as he explains that when someone comes up to him and is like “Oh! Did you know that Polanco’s last home run was this day at this game and so on?” and Dan says “Yes! I was the one that wrote that information! I was the one that gave you that!” “That’s the coolest thing about this job, Dan continues, you are constantly feeding people information and you never really know what you are going to get yourself into. We are everyone’s eyes and ears and they don’t really even know it.” Dan explained to us about a PNC Park internship they offer during the summer. “Get into as many internships as you can. Get involved, keep writing and it’s inevitable that you will make mistakes, but it’s okay, keep going.” Dan Hart was an incredible person to talk to and it was even better talking about one of my favorite topics, baseball.  To top the night off, The Pirates were able to clutch a win in the bottom of the 10th inning 3-2 against the Brewers. The games are amazing and I’ll never get tired of going to them, It will be something I would want everyone to experience, even if you’re not a fan.

Don’t Scrap Everything! Try to Find a Way to Salvage it.

Every day there are people around us who are put in this situation. What the fortune is saying is no matter how bad something gets there is always a way to fix it. I myself have been put in this situation before. Ever since I was a little kid I have always suffered from voice control and stuttering. Every time I get excited about something and I want to speak, my voice gets loud and I began to stutter. I have tried to get rid of the problem over the years but nothing seems to work. I have suffered from bullying from it and I have always been frustrated by it because for a really long time there was nothing I can do about the problem. Then one day I tried something new to try to salvage the situation. I decided to take a deep breath and relax, while also thinking about what I am going to say before I say it. I tried this a couple times and it worked. I took a situation that I thought could never be fixed but I did eventually. I just never gave up instead of just scraping it away. I looked for a way to salvage it and I finally did. It’s very surprising how a fortune cookie can tell somebody to fix something in their life if they’re on the verge of giving up.

Fortune Cookie

Never ignore a gut feeling, but never believe that it is enough

We all get gut feelings, that feeling in the pit of your stomach that tells you something right before a decision, but do all of us listen to these gut feelings.There are those who dismiss a gut feeling and use rational thinking which at times is a good thing to do. Then there are others here are those who would trust their gut and follow it and its feelings wherever they go. Listen to your gut but also to never just listen to it.

It is important to realize that at a certain point in life planning ,and rational thinking will only get you so far: It is important to realize that life is random, many things will be thrown your way ,and sometimes it is best to just make decisions on the fly. Your life cannot be planned so that is when you should use your gut. The purpose of the gut feeling is to so that your gut will make the decisions that you can’t. So listen to it it is part of your body and many a times you will find that your guts decisions turn out very well for you. Your gut probably knows you best after all it is apart of your body.

Then, it is also important to realize that your gut’s opinion is not the only one that counts. Just because you have a gut feeling does not mean it is enough. If you do want to make it far in life you have to plan and think. If we made every decision on a whim then sure, half of them would be good decisions but half of them could be bad. It is important to know that your gut doesn’t always know what is best so remember to get a second opinion on things because those opinions can help you to.

So, it is important to listen to your gut but also to other things besides your gut. It is all about balance listing to one while respecting the other. It is the same as in life, so if you can do that you will go very far indeed.


Bucs Beat Brewers 3-2 in 10 Innings

It was Game 3 of the four game series, Pittsburgh Pirates versus Milwaukee Brewers. The Pirates won the first two games of the series and were looking for another.

The first inning is when the scoring began in the top of the first with Brewers Jesus Aguilar singled, bringing Domingo Santana; 1-0 Brewers.

The Pirates came back in the bottom of the inning to tie it on a sacrifice fly by Andrew McCutchen, scoring Starling Marte; 1-1 tie.

After the first inning, the game was crazy. The Bucs reached Home twice but were called out both times. Gregory Polanco almost had a home run.

Top of the 8th inning is when the scoring started again with Santana getting a solo home run to right center field; 2-1 Brewers.

Going into the bottom of the 9th inning the Bucs were still down 2-1 looking for another walkoff winner. Francisco Cervelli was up to bat, Max Moroff and Gregory Polanco on base. Cervelli singled on a fly ball to right field, scoring Moroff; 2-2 tie. Going to extra innings.

Bottom of the 10th, still 2-2 with Josh Harrison and McCutchen on base and Moroff up to bat. Then, with a 2-1 pitch, Moroff singles on a line drive to center field, scoring Harrison and getting his first career walkoff!


Grace’s Fortune Cookie

It is hope, not despair, which makes successful revolutions.

            It is better to have hope, not expectations. If you have expectations then you will look for them in everything around you.

Having hope will motivate someone to act on something. If they have expectations about it, if they don’t get the result they wanted, then they will be upset. There will be less emotions with hope. For example, in a game if a player isn’t playing well another player may encourage them and say that they can be better.

If someone has expectations, they want something done at a specific time and they expect a higher position or ranking. With hope, someone is setting a goal to reach, knowing that it will not happen right away. For example, parents may tell their children what they expect of them so they expect it all to happen at a certain time. If it doesn’t happen then they are disappointed; if it does then they are proud of them.

Makenzie’s Fortune

It’s not the Hours you put in, but What You put into the hours that count

By: Makenzie Butler

This fortune means that the hours we have in the day doesn’t count if we didn’t do anything, it’s what you do within the hours. If the day was mainly doing nothing or just counting the hours until it’s time to go home, it doesn’t count. Do something meaningful during the time. Time does not wait for anyone. We should do something that means it and not just sit around.

Do anything to make that day meaningful. Just do anything that will make the day actually count. We shouldn’t just sit at home and do nothing. Instead you should go volunteer your time at a homeless shelter. You could go spend more time with family and friends. You can even study when you can.

You have an ambitious nature and will make a name for yourself



Making a name for oneself takes effort and determination, which young people with ambition have plenty of. As a teenager or young person, figuring out plans for the future can be stressful and confusing. But as a young person, once the future is figured out, it’s hard for that force  to be stopped.


With young people comes energy, hopefulness, and an entire future ahead of them. Young ambition is unmatched, as demonstrated in artists such as Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder, Britney Spears, and Taylor Swift, who all began their largely successful careers at a young age.

While other factors play into the success of these artists, such as money and rare opportunities, these artists were determined and knew they had the talent to complete the journey into success.


Aretha Franklin began her career in the gospel choir of her church, and began performing in various churches at the age of 14. When Franklin turned 18, she decided to record pop music and had built a strong following and reputation within just a few years.


Without the confidence and bravery she had to take the step and record her own music, she may not have flourished into the talented Queen of Soul that we all know and love today.


With this being just one of many examples of young ambition carrying someone to success, it’s no surprise that those with an ambitious nature are known to make names for themselves.

Fortune Cookie

It is better to ask questions, then know all the answers.

We ask questions, then to assume we know the answers. We ask questions because we don’t know, or we wonder what the outcome could or will be. You educate yourself when you ask questions because some things you’re taught in school, and at home may not give you enough information to go in life or help you fully succeed. We ask questions to ourselves while making drastic changes with our future, and the people in our lives. Asking questions may be annoying or too much but at the end of the day, who is the one that knows all the different ways to handle certain situations. Never hesitate to ask questions whenever you feel as though you don’t understand. Knowing all the answers does not mean you know it is the correct answer, people feed other people false information everyday. It is up to you on how you take that information into your life. Each question you ask, comes with a answer. You can not let that answer changes your views on things, if it is an answer you do not agree with. Again, personally it is better to ask questions, then to know all the answers.

“Life is not a struggle. It’s a wiggle.”

Life can be hard, but it is not impossible. Problems bring struggles, but we must go through them the best we can.

We are thrown from situation to situation, expected to succeed. To simply “get by”, wiggling is the way to go. If you struggle, you seem to accept the fate to are given. Wiggling out of situations leaves the spirit only slightly wounded.

There are bad situations, and then there are truly horrible situations. A murder is much worse than dropping a precious iPhone 7 in a toilet. While the water-logged phone is much more common amongst people, it holds no dramatic equivalence to murder. This situation is something you wiggle out of, murder is a struggle.

As a baby of a few months old, rather than crawl, I wiggled and rolled everywhere. Maybe it was my way of getting around the “normal baby milestones” every mother dreams about. My wiggling was easier for me, rather than struggling to crawl.

Life is only a struggle if you allow it to be. Wiggle on!