Let your social instincts off the leash, and talk to all and sundry

Fortune cookies are fun to rip open and and discover the treasure hidden inside.  Few offer good advice but on this occasion, the fortune hidden inside offered true wisdom.

“Let your social instincts off the leash, and talk to all and sundry.” The fortune is basically telling the lucky receiver to let go of the expected social interactions and talk to everyone without restrictions.  

By taking this advice, people can freely express themselves to each other and break out of their inner shell.  They would appear warmer and friendlier to those they interact with.   

This advice is not meant to be taken maliciously, but rather for people to use this to be kinder to each other. It’s meant to break down barriers and the fear of being judged by others to create a kinder, friendlier world.  

It starts one person at a time but if everyone eventually finds and uses this advice,  could skip the social small talk and speak freely in order to problem solve and negotiate faster.  

By talking to all and sundry, the world would be a kinder, friendlier, and more productive place.