Fortune Cookies

When the paperwork I received in the mail said “Guest Speakers”, I’m not sure what I expected to see at the workshop. But we have been fortunate enough to meet journalists, professors, alumni, and current students, which has given me the opportunity to immerse myself in the Point Park University and Journalism atmosphere.

On day one, we met former students and professors who gave us insight to the skills that are crucial for a good journalist. Andrew Conte taught us how to interview in a way that allows us to get to the information we need. He told us to, “Wade through the noise” in regard to fake news comments and things that are impertinent to our story.

The second speaker of the day was a photojournalism student that gave us a brief run through on good photography from a journalistic standpoint. We made our way to the Duquesne Incline and Mount Washington to utilize our new skills and capture some breathtaking shots of the city.

By the end of the day, we all still had a plethora of energy that was used on games of spoons, spit, Cards Against Humanity, and a mini movie night in dorm 304.

Day two began with a 9AM workshop on composition of writing and more interviewing skills. Mr. Grande, while I do remember more of your talk, the thing that sticks out to me most is “Comfort the afflicted, and afflict the comfortable.”

We also went to PPG Paints Arena to do an abbreviated tour of the arena, led by Tom McMillan. He told us that a good sports journalist can’t just love sports, they have to love the work that comes with it.

“Pick a job that fits your personality… find out who you are.”