Category Archives: Fortunes

Grace’s Fortune Cookie

It is hope, not despair, which makes successful revolutions.

            It is better to have hope, not expectations. If you have expectations then you will look for them in everything around you.

Having hope will motivate someone to act on something. If they have expectations about it, if they don’t get the result they wanted, then they will be upset. There will be less emotions with hope. For example, in a game if a player isn’t playing well another player may encourage them and say that they can be better.

If someone has expectations, they want something done at a specific time and they expect a higher position or ranking. With hope, someone is setting a goal to reach, knowing that it will not happen right away. For example, parents may tell their children what they expect of them so they expect it all to happen at a certain time. If it doesn’t happen then they are disappointed; if it does then they are proud of them.