Every day there are people around us who are put in this situation. What the fortune is saying is no matter how bad something gets there is always a way to fix it. I myself have been put in this situation before. Ever since I was a little kid I have always suffered from voice control and stuttering. Every time I get excited about something and I want to speak, my voice gets loud and I began to stutter. I have tried to get rid of the problem over the years but nothing seems to work. I have suffered from bullying from it and I have always been frustrated by it because for a really long time there was nothing I can do about the problem. Then one day I tried something new to try to salvage the situation. I decided to take a deep breath and relax, while also thinking about what I am going to say before I say it. I tried this a couple times and it worked. I took a situation that I thought could never be fixed but I did eventually. I just never gave up instead of just scraping it away. I looked for a way to salvage it and I finally did. It’s very surprising how a fortune cookie can tell somebody to fix something in their life if they’re on the verge of giving up.
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Bucs Beat Brewers 3-2 in 10 Innings
It was Game 3 of the four game series, Pittsburgh Pirates versus Milwaukee Brewers. The Pirates won the first two games of the series and were looking for another.
The first inning is when the scoring began in the top of the first with Brewers Jesus Aguilar singled, bringing Domingo Santana; 1-0 Brewers.
The Pirates came back in the bottom of the inning to tie it on a sacrifice fly by Andrew McCutchen, scoring Starling Marte; 1-1 tie.
After the first inning, the game was crazy. The Bucs reached Home twice but were called out both times. Gregory Polanco almost had a home run.
Top of the 8th inning is when the scoring started again with Santana getting a solo home run to right center field; 2-1 Brewers.
Going into the bottom of the 9th inning the Bucs were still down 2-1 looking for another walkoff winner. Francisco Cervelli was up to bat, Max Moroff and Gregory Polanco on base. Cervelli singled on a fly ball to right field, scoring Moroff; 2-2 tie. Going to extra innings.
Bottom of the 10th, still 2-2 with Josh Harrison and McCutchen on base and Moroff up to bat. Then, with a 2-1 pitch, Moroff singles on a line drive to center field, scoring Harrison and getting his first career walkoff!
Makenzie’s Fortune
It’s not the Hours you put in, but What You put into the hours that count
By: Makenzie Butler
This fortune means that the hours we have in the day doesn’t count if we didn’t do anything, it’s what you do within the hours. If the day was mainly doing nothing or just counting the hours until it’s time to go home, it doesn’t count. Do something meaningful during the time. Time does not wait for anyone. We should do something that means it and not just sit around.
Do anything to make that day meaningful. Just do anything that will make the day actually count. We shouldn’t just sit at home and do nothing. Instead you should go volunteer your time at a homeless shelter. You could go spend more time with family and friends. You can even study when you can.
You have an ambitious nature and will make a name for yourself
Making a name for oneself takes effort and determination, which young people with ambition have plenty of. As a teenager or young person, figuring out plans for the future can be stressful and confusing. But as a young person, once the future is figured out, it’s hard for that force to be stopped.
With young people comes energy, hopefulness, and an entire future ahead of them. Young ambition is unmatched, as demonstrated in artists such as Aretha Franklin, Stevie Wonder, Britney Spears, and Taylor Swift, who all began their largely successful careers at a young age.
While other factors play into the success of these artists, such as money and rare opportunities, these artists were determined and knew they had the talent to complete the journey into success.
Aretha Franklin began her career in the gospel choir of her church, and began performing in various churches at the age of 14. When Franklin turned 18, she decided to record pop music and had built a strong following and reputation within just a few years.
Without the confidence and bravery she had to take the step and record her own music, she may not have flourished into the talented Queen of Soul that we all know and love today.
With this being just one of many examples of young ambition carrying someone to success, it’s no surprise that those with an ambitious nature are known to make names for themselves.
July 19th, 2017
starting off the day visiting the CBS Television Station, was a great experience. Watching Kristine Sorensen sit in front of live cameras, while the world is watching was breathe taking. Being in love with writing and telling stories, I would have loved to produce the show, and write the script. Being in the environment that intense, made me realize the time and dedication each worker anchor has to do. I am looking forward to working in the same field. The snack walk was fun, and a learning experience. Having a camera, feeling like a photographer was fun. Taking different actions shots of the buildings, people, and have the photos turning out amazing. It was a life changing experience that will never be forgotten. Photo journalism is one other field, I am looking forward to working in. Meeting new people and traveling along with it. Last but not least, the big game. Pirates vs. Brewers the game was over exciting, watching how fans got during the game showed me the support they were giving off. The Bucs fought hard and won the game, 3-2 in 10 innings. YAYYY!!!!! To end this blog, this camp/ workshop has been a real eye opener. seeing the life of Pittsburgh and living in it for a few days was fun. Hopefully to be back soon.
The New Sock ’em Boppers
There were two images in my head when we were told that we were going to play bubble soccer: hamster balls and bubble wrap. I am pleased to say that it was a mixture of both. Students climbed into a partially hollowed out ball, strapped themselves in, and gripped the handles in front of their faces in hopes that their faces wouldn’t sustain any injuries.
After that, we were told to “Go loose.”
As high school students do after a long day of sitting down and receiving information, we did. Within seconds of being in the bubbles, there was someone on the floor.
We sprinted across the gym in the student center and met in the middle, slamming our bubbles against each other and ricocheted five feet back from the point of impact.
One student volunteered to be a shark and the rest of us avoided him like the plague.
The next game was King of the Hill, in which we all clustered in a box and were told, “Don’t fall outside of the lines!” One by one, students were knocked over the lines until two of us were left: me and the college student who rammed into people without mercy.
We went on to play several more games: human bowling, soccer, paparazzi, and so on. It was one of my favorite things out of the whole camp experience.
Now, an explanation for the name of this entry. Sometimes, the best way to end a conflict is to just duke it out a little bit. However, the problem with that is the “duking it out” part. The goal is to avoid injuries, so why not just throw the offended/offending parties in some bubbles and tell them what we were told, “Go loose!”
And thus, the new Sock ‘em Boppers are born.
Students tour KDKA studios
Interactive Multimedia Storytelling students received a behind the scenes tour of Pittsburgh’s KDKA studios on Wednesday July 19.
Students met KDKA’s noon time anchor Kristine Sorenson to watch the live taping of the noon news and then tour. Students watched the live taping from a set of bleachers that gave a view of the entire studio. They got to witness how fast the anchors and producers have to change the show when something unexpected happens.
After the taping, students toured the studio, the control room, a second studio, and the office areas. Kristine Sorenson also took time to talk about her job. She explained the amount of work that goes into each show and how to get into the broadcasting field.
The tour concluded with an open question and answer session with Kristine Sorenson.
KDKA is a news station here in the Pittsburgh area. KDKA is film in one of the buildings in downtown Pittsburgh. The cameras there are robotic and only one person needs to control them. Since the robotic cameras came in, a lot of people lost there jobs. The meteorologist does there own script and maps.
Meteorologist has 3 different screens. One underneath the camera and one one the side of the green screen. The screens help the person to see where to point at when they are talking. Everyone else reporting has a script and has a screen of what they are going to say. The speed of the words they are reading is different depending on who’s reading it. The screen helps them to look at the camera without looking at the papers on the desk.
There is a person who tells people how many minutes until they are on TV and that person ques when the people should talk on TV. There is a control room to control the programs and to control the sounds and pictures. There is also a producers room where a lot of the producers work on the length of the video and edit videos to keep the time frame.

2 Days In Pittsburgh(Continued)
I felt after the first day of wonder and amazement that nothing would be able to surprise me, as usual I was wrong. When my still tired eyes flew over the scheduled today and I saw that we were going to the Penguins Arena I was hooked and my energy levels where up. Before that I got some legendary teaching about journalism. Things I never even new about. Before I just thought that you take a couple pictures and write a couple lines and big bang boom you have got an article. Now whenever I read the paper I can fully appreciate the work that these journalist do. Even when I just had to write a small article I my brain was fried. Now I realize that these journalist do not just make on article but thousands every year day after day without end.
Then after a hearty lunch we went on to the main event the tour of the Arena. It was an odd feeling being at that place and there was no hockey being played not even ice in the arena. It was being taken down for a concert. Then we got some helpful tips from the great Tom McMillian his job seemed like a one that would be very tough but he seemed to love every bit of it. Even with the switch between the Console Energy to Pittsburgh Paints in the middle of the year he still loves his job. He gave us helpful tips and quotes like “find yourself through your job” and “you must have a thick skin in this business.” We even got to go down to the hallowed halls were greats have walked and see the area where they play and where they walk before a game.Also having the privileged of seeing Mario Lemieux equipment and many awards. It was truly awe inspiring and a great day in the city.
PPG Arena was built in 1961. The architect built this arena for the steps to go down, to make you feel as though you were getting closer to the ice. Many interns that worked thought they would be watching the game, but Tom McMillan said they were wrong. They to work behind the scenes, even he missed the winning shot while doing multiple interviews. After games, there would be concerts or graduations. When the game is over, 400 people will run onto the ice and clear the ice, and put plywood down. it was very hard to get on and off the ice at times. “Don’t be sports writer, just because you like the sport”. Working and playtime or very different, you have to enjoy working while having fun too. You have to like both aspects of them. You can not get one, without the other. I’m not a big hockey fan, meaning I would enjoy the writing area better, and putting the different news and stories out there about the teams.